1. Roles and responsibilities related to educating counselors
    b. Pedagogy and teaching methods relevant to counselor education
    c. Models of adult development and learning
    d. Instructional and curriculum design, delivery, and evaluation methods relevant to counselor
    e. Effective approaches for online instruction
    f. Screening, remediation, and gatekeeping functions relevant to teaching
    g. Assessment of learning
    h. Ethical and culturally relevant strategies used in counselor preparation
    i. The role of mentoring in counselor education



COUC 747 Teaching Philosophy

COUC 710 Group Class Lesson Plan

COUC 747 ACES Lesson Plan

COUC 710 Co-Leadership Reflection

COUC 747 Lesson Plan

COUC 792 Reading Synthesis

Letter of Reference 1

Letter of reference 2


1.Reflect on the process of developing leadership level knowledge, skills, and practices in this competency. What has been especially impactful/meaningful/important to you personally and professionally?

While learning about the teaching competencies I learned about the various roles a counselor educator has. While learning about the teaching competencies I learned about my personal teaching philosophy which made me more aware of the type of counselor educator I want to be.

  1. 2. Describe an area of strength that you have developed while in the program in this area of competence. What is one way you plan to utilize this strength in your vocation?

In the program I learned a lot of myself. One thing I learned is the passion I have for teaching students and helping them in their professional growth. As I continued my educational journey, I grew stronger in my passion for teaching and helping students grow. I feel that this passion will continue to help students and people that might be interested in the profession by spreading awareness, educating them, and presenting them in conferences.

  1. 3. Describe an area of challenge/growth opportunity in this area of competency. What is your plan to develop excellence in this area?

In the program I learned a lot about my strengths and weaknesses. My weakness would have to be about time management. I have been slowly working on this and feel that I have developed a way that I have been able to manage time better through agendas and calendars.

  1. Reflect on how faith in Christ relates to this competency.

A believer can see Christ as the Great Teacher and therefore, looking at the competency of teaching, I see Christ and see Him as the great role model.