1. Theories and skills of leadership
  2. Leadership and leadership development in professional organizations
  3. Leadership in counselor education programs
  4. Knowledge of accreditation standards and processes
  5. Leadership, management, and administration in counseling organizations and other institutions
  6. Leadership roles and strategies for responding to crises and disasters
  7. Strategies of leadership in consultation
  8. Current topical and political issues in counseling and how those issues affect the daily work of counselors and the counseling profession
  9. Role of counselors and counselor educators advocating on behalf of the profession and professional identity
  10. Models and competencies for advocating for clients at the individual, system, and policy levels
  11. Strategies of leadership in relation to current multicultural and social justice issues
  12. Ethical and culturally relevant leadership and advocacy practices


COUC 860 Leadership Interview

COUC 860 Leadership Philosophy

COUC 792 Reading Summaries

COUC 860 Advocacy Presentation

COUC 860 Social Justice Plan


  1. Reflect on the process of developing leadership level knowledge, skills, and practices in this competency. What has been especially impactful/meaningful/important to you personally and professionally?

I have learned a great deal about leadership and advocacy and how it pertains to the counselor education role. The idea that counselor educators have to lead by example and have to show their students their professional identity through service, leadership, and advocacy has been something that had stood out to me. I noticed that it stood out to me so much that I went out to become a leader in the profession and started advocating for the profession and being an example to those who I supervise. I aim to continue being a part of the leadership and advocacy movement of our profession. 

  1. Describe an area of strength that you have developed while in the program in this area of competence. What is one way you plan to utilize this strength in your vocation?

Looking at my strengths I realized I love to help and serve. I must say that is even seen in my leadership approach. I have been put in leadership roles because I have seen a need and have asked to fill it. I know that this is a strength, however it could also be a weakness considering sometimes it is hard to say no and balance things out, however, as part of my doctoral journey I had to learn how to balance time and life. Therefore, I am passionate about servicing and that is my strength.

  1. Describe an area of challenge/growth opportunity in this area of competence. What is your plan to develop excellence in this area?

When I think of leadership and advocacy, I think my weakness is not knowing when to stop or simply put learning to relax. I really like the idea of “changing the world”, however, with such an idea comes stress. Therefore, learning how to set small goals and timelines has really helped me manage this weakness and I feel will continue to help me along the way to assure I stick to achievable goals rather than “dream goals” geared by my passion for change.

  1. Reflect on how faith in Christ relates to this competency.

Christ was a servant and a leader., thus, when looking at my life as a Christian, I have to indulge that my own creator served, advocated, and lead, making Him the best model to follow. Therefore, I plan to serve like He did helping everyone to continue growing, because that is also how He led by meeting people where they were.